1.) EXTRA Band Night This Saturday, Oct. 16th Back by popular demand! Dave Poling’s band, The Variants, will play for tips at the beach club this Saturday,
October 16th from 5 pm until 8 pm. Dave Poling's classic “blues rock” band is always a HUGE crowd favorite. NOTE: There will be a “good Karma” tip box next to the band. Please be generous as they are playing for free!
2.) LAST Band Night Next Saturday, Oct 23rd The Last Stand, a local classic rock band, will be our last band to jam at the club on October 23rd from 5 pm until 8 pm. Don’t miss the closing night of the BBQ season.
3.) Halloween Event CANCELLED The vast majority of the young families who frequent the club would prefer to go trick or treating this year. We have decided to cancel the Spooktacular event and run a cool MOVIE night instead with an old-fashioned popcorn machine and the works! Movie night is now playing on Friday, November 5th. Details to follow.
See ya at the beach!