The Beach Club maintains two paddle tennis courts. Paddle tennis is a variation of tennis that has been played in the United States for over 100 years. The court is one-third the size of a regular tennis court, uses a depressurized tennis ball, has lower nets, and is equipped with a solid carbon/composite paddle that is perforated. The serve is underhand, and the ball can land in either square on the opposing side. Scoring is the same as in tennis.
Bobbie Mott, an original homeowner and the first Club Manager (for over 15 years), was the driving force behind the construction of the courts. She grew up playing paddle tennis on the legendary courts at Venice Beach and continued playing at Shorecliffs until she fell while playing at the age of 86.
Over the years, the Club has organized tournaments and hosted invitational events that attracted National Championship players. There is an active group of Shorecliffs homeowners and their guests who play weekly, appreciating the well-maintained courts and the breathtaking beachfront view.
Shorecliffs Beach Club recently modified both paddle tennis courts with light blue boundary lines to accommodate the sport of pickleball.
Pickleball combines elements of badminton, table tennis, and tennis. Two or four players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a whiffle ball with 26–40 round holes, over a net. Scoring is the same as in tennis.
Pickleball has become the fastest-growing sport in America. Many homeowners and their guests play regularly and appreciate that the club now offers both paddleball games on the courts.
Only members and their invited guests are allowed on the courts. The member must be present at all times!
Members are NOT permitted to share key fobs with relatives or friends.
A current club wristband must be worn at all times (guest wristbands required when the club is open).
A 60-minute time limit applies when others are waiting.
A maximum of four players is allowed on each court.
Private renters are permitted to rent both paddle tennis/pickleball courts if they agree to rent the club as a private party and pay an additional $200 court fee. Both courts can be rented a maximum of six times per calendar year by the community. (This does not apply to individual households.)