The intent of these rules is to allow members of the Beach Club to park their vehicles in the parking lot while they are at the Beach Club. If the member is on the sand or at Poche Beach, the intent of this rule is considered fulfilled.
Park their personal car, SUV, pickup truck, golf cart, or other vehicles that are not prohibited below, in the parking lot during the time that the member is at the Beach Club.
Use the parking lot as a storage area or for overflow or temporary parking for trucks, campers, boats, motorhomes, or other recreational vehicles. Pickup trucks, by themselves, are not defined as trucks in this rule. Pickup trucks with campers (camper shells no taller than the pickup cab are exempt) and/or boats or other trailers are considered recreational vehicles and are prohibited.
Park vehicles weighing more than 6,000 pounds in the parking lot. Heavy vehicles damage the asphalt, particularly during warmer weather.
Vehicles violating these rules may be cited by Security and/or towed at the owner’s expense in accordance with the policies in effect at that time, even if the vehicle displays a current year’s parking sticker.
The Board of Directors retains the right to temporarily suspend and/or permanently revoke a member’s parking privileges if the member’s actions, in the Board’s sole discretion, warrant such action.
It remains the member’s responsibility to determine and obtain, if needed, a temporary variance or permit from the Beach Club Manager if circumstances warrant.